Friday 11 January 2008

More rowing stuff on eBay

This is about as much use to a rower as one sock.


Anonymous said...

Or maybe one likes to row in circles to get the 360degree panoramic view? Or if you had two but lost one? Or want to fix it on the transom to try sculling? ;)


Chris Partridge said...

But if you lost one sock, buying another one would mean they wouldn't match. And you coudn't even use that old joke about having another pair exactly like it back in the shed....

Anonymous said...

But if you bought all the odd rowlocks on eBay, & at the boat jumble for that matter, you must surely eventually end up with a pair, or maybe even two, & then you could sell one (pair!), & that must be worth more than the sum of the parts?!


Chris Partridge said...

But then you would end up with a pile of rowlocks that you wouldn't know what to do with and (looks round shed) and you might consider loading them all into the back of the car and heading off to the boat jumble...